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Watersheds of Eastern Charlotte Environmental Quality Assessment This document is a compilation of data relating to the issues derived in a community/industrial profile, a review of the watersheds with a more in-depth look at the environmental issues in the L'Etang Estuary. Coastal
Chronicle Water
Classification Guidebook During the 1998 year this project will be seeking input from various groups from this massive watershed to review the Guidebook, determine its value and use it to classify the various water systems in the Fundy Composite Watershed (#8). The completed generic guidebook will be available to all groups interested in classifying and protecting what they feel should be an outstanding class water system. For more information on the Water Classification Program contact ECW. Resource Valuation This was a study to determine the viability and
feasibility of harvesting soft-shell clam in the Upper L'Etang. A stock
density was determined by measuring weight, length and abundance of clam
in specific areas. Staff conducted a shoreline sanitary survey
indicating sources, if any, of contaminating discharges (i.e.
residential, fish processing, etc.). This visual assessment combined Resource Valuation A Resource Atlas Produced in 1998, this onsite atlas is a companion document to the ongoing studies released by ECW. Data is presented in a variety of scales, projections, datum's and presentation formats to illustrate multi-resource information. The
Management of an Estuary In 1998 ECW completed its mandate to prepare a
community-based comprehensive environmental management plan. This plan
was not developed under any type of law or governing agency and
therefore recommendations made must be agreed and acted upon by those
concerned within each activity impacting the environment and the
subsequent recommendations. For a copy Fundy
Flats Remediations Project An ecoAction 2000 project for the remediation/enhancement of Fundy waters/habitats in Southeastern New Brunswick A
Preliminary Classification for Composite Drainage 08…A Document for
Stakeholder Review An preliminary classification of water quality for the Magaguadavic, Digdeguash, Lepreau, Pocologan, L'Etang, and New Rivers Fundy
Flats Remediation Project Data concerning the classification and possible remediations of Soft-Shell Clam beds Community
Based Water Quality Monitoring Program 1995 The results of water quality monitoring in eastern Charlotte County in 1995 Water
Quality Monitoring Project 1994 The pilot project for a community-based water quality monitoring system Eastern
Charlotte Community Contingency Plan A CAPP program developed for environmental emergency responses to encourage vital community participation Eastern
Charlotte Waterways Inc. Leaflet A brief summary of the services available at Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc Soft
Shell Clams in the upper L'Etang An evaluation of the Habitat and Resources of the Upper L'Etang region for Soft-shell Clams Water
Quality and Resource Valuation This concerns the water quality and soft-shell clam resources in the Digdeguash, Magaguadavic, and L'Etang regions An
Independent Study and Review of the New Brunswick Rockweed Harvest A project to assess the effect of Rockweed harvesting in the Bay of Fundy of region An
Introduction to Water Classification An introduction to help the community learn more about the Water Classification Program What is a Watershed? The second module in the Water Classification program Multi-Stakeholders The third part in a Water Classification Program. Explains the approach of a Multi-Stakeholder cooperation Evaluating a
Local Watershed The fourth part of a Water Classification Guidebook. This explains the correct methods to use in Water Classification and Evaluation Watershed Workbook This is the fifth module in a water classification guidebook. The workbook is designed to explain the incorporation of the government, private and industrial sectors in water classification The Outstanding
Class The sixth module in water classification, this describes the methods used in nominating outstanding natural waters 911 Atlas -
Response Maps Current 911 maps for use by ambulance and emergency response workers Coastal Resource
Atlas Coastal Resource Mapping atlas. 8 1/2 x 11 format Rural
Reclamation Project Phase 1 The first phase of the river assessment and remediation for New River Rural
River Reclamation Project Phase 2 The second phase of the assessment and remediations of New River and Pocologan River Wildlife
Response Resource Guide Under development. Review will be completed by July/2000 |